Our PWD Brands, Including PWD Rush, are not sold as poppers or 'rush poppers'. We make no warranties or representations as to any specific use of these products. Contents: Isobutyl Nitrite.
Contains no Amyl Nitrate.

Hello, It's Ben ...


Come on over!

30ml Jungle Juice PLATINUM

A Note from Ben: You can buy You can Buy 30ml Jungle Juice PLATINUM HERE at our new website and receive Expedited Shipping. Also, Use Coupon Code 499 for a 4.99 Bottle of PWD Rush! This item is also available in a 30+10 JJ Platinum Companion Combo for even more savings.

    Our 30ml Jungle Juice Platinum features:
  1. 30ml Bottle equals THREE of the standard 10ml bottles for long lasting power.
  2. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
  3. Resealable Polycone cap prevents leakage and maintains freshness.
  4. Power Pak Pellets for exceptional purity.

Remember to use Use Coupon Code 499 for a 4.99 Bottle of PWD Rush!